
Telenor Group has four business areas: Telenor Nordics, Telenor Asia, Telenor Infrastructure and Telenor Adjacent Business.
Telenor Nordics
Telenor Nordics consists of four business units: Telenor Norway, Telenor Sweden, Telenor Denmark and DNA (Finland). Telenor Nordics has its own management team and organisation at Fornebu, working closely with the management teams in the four business units.
Telenor Asia
Telenor Asia consists of four business units: Telenor Pakistan, Grameenphone (Bangladesh), True Corporation (Thailand), and CelcomDigi (Malaysia). The Telenor Asia management team and regional organisation is located in Singapore.
Telenor Infrastructure
Telenor Infrastructure will gather and refine the value of Telenor’s infrastructure in the Nordics.
Telenor Amp
Telenor Amp will further develop adjacent services within existing and potential new independent entities, as well as with others outside Telenor.
President & CEO and Group Leadership Team
The President and Chief Executive Officer of Telenor is responsible for the day-to-day management of Telenor. The Group Leadership Team is an advisory body to the CEO and consists of the heads of the four business areas, Telenor Nordics, Telenor Asia, Telenor Infrastructure, and Telenor Amp, as well as the Group functions.
Read about Corporate Governance in Telenor
The Headquarter function supports the Group CEO in the strategic development of Telenor, including safeguarding corporate governance and legal requirements. The units that make up HQ include Finance, Technologies & Services, People, Sustainability & External Relations and Group Legal.
Group Internal Audit & Investigation
Group Internal Audit and Investigation is an independent, objective assurance, advisory and investigation unit providing assurance on the effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal controls. The Head of Internal Audit and Investigation reports functionally to the Telenor ASA Board of Directors through the Risk and Audit Committee and administratively (i.e. day-to-day operations) to the Group CEO.