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From words to action

1 From words to action

In a security environment that grows more uncertain by the day, we must all increase our efforts to strengthen resilience.

AI-ikon med forstørrelsesglass

2 AI – playing both offense and defence

The development of artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing. Can we develop AI security mechanisms fast enough?

Cyber defences put to the test

3 Cyber defences put to the test

Automotive group Bertel O. Steen has ramped up its digital security in recent years. The efforts have already paid off.

Safeguarding critical infrastructure

4 Safeguarding critical infrastructure

How do we ensure trustworthy critical infrastructure? Ericsson shares insights on protecting mobile networks from increasing risks.

Forstørrelsesglass og advarselstrekant

5 The Nordic threat picture

Today’s threat landscape is marked by increased geopolitical tension, more advanced threat actors, more targets, and new rules to the game.

Enkelt ikon av en e-post med fiskekrok

6 The booming cybercrime business

Cybercrime has become a lucrative business. We look at some of the most common digital attack methods used in the Nordics today.

The NIS2 clock is ticking in the EU

7 The NIS2 clock is ticking in the EU

What does the EU’s NIS2 Directive mean for Nordic businesses? Swedish law firm Cederquist and industrial cybersecurity company Omny weigh in.

This is why resilience is the new security

8 This is why resilience is the new security

The threat landscaped has changed the way Nordic companies handle security. We talk to a major bank, a national broadcaster, and a global energy company to get their take.

There’s no time to waste

9 There’s no time to waste

Telenor believes we must urgently develop common Nordic solutions for greater security, resilience, and robustness in the face of growing threats.