Telenor is an equal opportunity employer who considers diversity to be imperative to the way we do business. Equal pay is critical for Telenor to be able to attract, retain and engage employees across all markets. Furthermore, as a responsible business it is important that Telenor also within the compensation area sets high standards and implements robust and sustainable practices. As such, Telenor applies compensation practices that are transparent, objective, and fair.

Equal pay for Telenor means that employees within the same function shall, as a key principle, receive equal pay for work of equal scope and responsibility. Any pay differences for work of equal scope shall only be attributed to difference in employees’ level of skills and experience relevant to the respective roles and/or individual performance. Telenor aims to secure equal pay across all functions and levels of the organisation and conducts group-wide analysis and action planning in all business units to understand and address any gender pay gaps.

The reporting for Norwegian companies in Telenor Group is disclosed below or on the relevant company’s website.

Equality statement Telenor ASA 2023


Likestillingsredegjørelse Telenor Norge 2023