We treat information as a valuable asset and act accordingly.

What we need to know

As employees of the company, we sometimes come across confidential information regarding Telenor, customers or business partners

Most information is digital and can easily be accessed, modified, shared and replicated

Records are information with high corporate value. They are important to Telenor and must be identified and protected

There may be external requirements as to how long you can or must retain different types of information

Confidentiality is critical for Telenor’s reputation for protecting Telenor’s interests in competitive and regulatory processes, and for securing the integrity of our assets

What is expected of all of us

We only share confidential information when we are formally authorized to do so and there is a legitimate reason for doing so

We protect confidential information from unauthorized access

We promote a knowledge-sharing culture but take precautions when processing confidential information

We treat information from third parties with the same level of confidentiality and care as our own information

We do not discuss sensitive topics in public places

We ensure that all information from Telenor is reliable and correct and complies with high professional and ethical standards

We use Telenor approved systems and perform information processing activities in line with any issued requirements

What to look out for

If we overhear a Telenor employee speaking about non-public information in public

If a business partner requests us to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement

If we are handling information or company records which are sensitive and should be protected

If someone attempts to engage us in discussions that lead into details of Telenor’s business

If you are sharing confidential information with any external parties

Resources and Tools

I want to report

I have a question