We earn trust by protecting all personal data.

What we need to know

We hold personal data on all our customers and employees and we have an obligation to protect it and only use it for legitimate business purposes

Personal data includes employee, customer and business partner information such as content of communications, phone numbers, e-mails, addresses, locations, call and payment history, salaries and health information

All personal data is to be considered confidential

Responsible use of personal data is instrumental in maintaining our customers’ and employees’ trust

What is expected of all of us

We do not share personal data with anyone who does not have a specific business purpose for it, unless sharing the data has been authorized or is legally required

We only access personal data for specific business purposes

We are open and honest with our customers and employees about how we use their data

We ensure that personal data is not processed without proper access control, security and data protection measures in place

We stay informed of our responsibilities related to privacy when we work with projects or initiatives that involve personal data processing

We follow established privacy procedures and processes

What to look out for

If there is unauthorized access to personal data, including sharing of data with third parties without appropriate privacy safeguards in place

If we are collecting data about our employees or customers which they would not reasonably expect us to collect or use in this way

If the personal data of our employees or customers is being used in a way that may be considered intrusive

If a government official requests information about an employee or a customer, including business records without following proper procedure

If there are any indications that personal data has been or may be compromised

Resources and Tools

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