Security is embedded in everything we do.

What we need to know

Company assets are everything that our company owns or uses to conduct business including equipment, facilities, systems and information

Protecting company assets is a core responsibility for all of us

Intellectual property such as trademarks, copyrighted works, inventions, trade secrets and know-how, are often valuable and may be important to Telenor's success in the market

Security threats can affect our assets and have significant financial, operational and reputational impact

What is expected of all of us

We always assess the security risks and follow security policies and requirements when we make business decisions

We report any security incidents immediately and in accordance with local procedures, laws and regulations

We protect company assets from loss, damage, theft, waste and improper use

We limit employee and third-party access to company assets to what is necessary to accomplish assigned work

We always follow proper protocols for granting access and do not share our access credentials, including PIN codes, tokens and passwords

We only use Telenor approved systems for information sharing and storage

We protect our premises from unauthorised access and we wear our Telenor badge visible when in the office

We protect Telenor’s intellectual property as appropriate and respect the intellectual property rights of others

What to look out for

If we observe people on our premises or trying to enter our premises without authorisation or properly-displayed credentials

If our cell phone, laptop or computer is lost, stolen or suddenly behaves differently

If we receive emails, messages or calls that are suspicious

If we detect vulnerabilities in our systems, processes or facilities

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