Cyber security

Security is the foundation for everything we do. Our ambition in cyber security is to lead the way, protecting our customers, partners, employees, assets and societies in general.
Digital threats are increasing, steadily showing up in various forms to attain information, impact service levels, access funds and payments, and sometimes as part of more advanced hybrid attacks. Telenor is committed to being a trusted partner operating critical infrastructure, working on security culture, providing transparency to stakeholders, tightening physical security around assets, and increasing capacity around emergency preparedness and incident response. Often, Telenor can be part of the first line of defence, as our connectivity services are becoming more critical for businesses and societies.
Cyber security, in perspective of sustainability, plays a key role in improving the resilience of societies. The EU directive Network and Information Security version 2 defines several industries critical for modern societies. Telecommunications services are often key components in ensuring that these industries function properly. Effective protection against threats requires collaboration, whether the threats are motivated by fun, money or other advanced agendas.
Sustainable digital resilience must follow systematic methods. Telenor takes a holistic, risk-based approach to protect our service delivery. This requires an end-to-end approach improving security across people, processes, technology and partners. Throughout our global organisation, our experts collaborate internally and externally to address security challenges and improve reactive and proactive security controls.
How we work with cyber security
Our security experts work within several areas, such as assessing the threat landscape, monitoring and identifying security incidents, verifying implemented protection controls and strengthening awareness of employees, partners, customers and societies at large.
Telenor’s security requirements are global and based on international standards and best practice implementations such as from ISO, 3GPP and others. Telenor’s Security Policy includes information security, physical security, personnel security, and fraud and crisis management, covering a 360-degree perspective. This is due to the steadily advancing threats, where it is essential to understand different attack scenarios that can use different modes, such as combining cyber and information as well as physical actions.
We share threat intelligence with partners and with the private and public sector for mutual benefits in improving the maturity and capabilities in the markets Telenor operates in. Our aim is to contribute to greater transparency, help others build expertise and strengthen joint digital resilience.
Our security principles
Telenor has set the following security principles:
High security standards: safeguard assets and operations by implementation of relevant security measures according to recognised standards, frameworks and best practices in a sustainable, relevant and risk-based manner. Deviations shall be based on informed decisions.
Protect our customers: ensure customers are protected in their digital life and the Telenor company is recognised as a trusted partner.
Security by design: integrate security in all aspects of business and apply the principles of security by design and defence in depth.
Emergency preparedness: ensure effective and trained crisis management processes to respond to critical situations.
Security in everything we do: ensure security awareness on all levels, regularly train employees and sub-contractors and develop security as an integrated part of our daily work.
More information is described in our Security Policy.