Telenor and leading Norwegian innovators present the technology realist’s take on a smarter, greener future.

Telenor Digital Outlook Report 2030 illustration

Our Digital Outlook 2030 is a perspective on how the world will look in just eight years’ time and the role development and use of technology will play in ensuring that the way we live, learn and work is greener and smarter than it is today.  

For me, this Outlook is first and foremost about people and society. It is about the decisions we will have to make in the coming years to create a more sustainable, inclusive, efficient, and flexible future.  

The greatest challenge of our generation is climate change.  The latest report from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  leaves no doubt about this. Combatting this will require something from every one of us, and it will impact all aspects of our lives. Digitalisation is the underlying theme that cuts across it all, and technology is at the heart of new solutions that make a green shift possible. We see across all industries that connectivity and the use of data trigger innovation, spawn new knowledge, broaden skills, and enable new ways of operating.  

Telenor is a firm believer in leveraging and advancing connectivity to accelerate the digital future – in order to empower societies. The digital era shapes how we work, how we learn, and how we live – and the digital transformation will only continue to expand towards 2030. This progress is at the top of the minds of Telenor’s researchers, who are the people behind our Digital Outlook. And we’ve learned, through our technology research, partnerships, work with students, and other collaborations, that we’re not alone in our thinking. Telenor’s focus on the role of digitalisation and technology in the green shift is widely shared across Norwegian society and beyond. Our 2030 goals are well-aligned: technology is one of the best defences we have against our warming planet.  

To explore the path forward, we have, for our Digital Outlook 2030, invited voices who represent other industries to share their perspectives. We want to hear from people leading the energy transition. We want to discover how the education experts are re-thinking the ways in which we will learn in the next decade. And we want to get a broader perspective on the future of work, a topic close to our hearts, to find out what comes next. All these themes have a green thread running through, as our ability to reduce our carbon footprint will require advanced connectivity and innovative digital solutions in the way we live, learn and work.  

Therefore, we also invite you into this 2030 vision to reflect on what it will take to fulfil our ambitions for a greener, smarter future. I want to thank all the contributors to this Digital Outlook. Your fresh perspectives and deep expertise have made this Outlook even more relevant and impactful. I look forward to continuing the conversations with you in the years to come.  

Yours truly,

Sigve, President and CEO, Telenor Group