Annual General Meeting 2020

Read in Norwegian
11 May, 2020
15:00 CET
Legg til i kalender
The Hub/Telenor Expo Visitor Centre, Snarøyveien 30, Fornebu

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and in order to mitigate health risks and comply with the Norwegian government’s instructions, Telenor ASA will take a number of measures for this year’s Annual General Meeting.

Physical presence at the Annual General Meeting involves unnecessary health risks for shareholders and staff. Telenor ASA therefore strongly advises its shareholders not to attend the meeting in person, but to be represented at the meeting through proxy or by submitting votes in advance and follow the meeting electronically. No refreshments will be served during the meeting.

If admittance of all shareholders attending physically to the Annual General Meeting premises is deemed to violate the applicable infection control measures, the company or the Chair of the Annual General Meeting may limit the number of attendees provided that this is considered reasonable under the circumstances, based on the interests of the company and the shareholders.

Shareholders can follow the meeting via a live webcast on Telenor’s website and send in questions in advance to before Friday 8 May 2020 12.00 CET.

Telenor will follow the Norwegian government’s guidelines, is monitoring the situation closely and will implement further measures if necessary.’

Registration Annual General Meeting Telenor ASA 11 May 2020

Watch webcast

Post-meeting documents

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association were last amended on 7 May 2024.

Read the Telenor Articles of Association