Annual General Meeting 2021

Read in Norwegian
27 mai, 2021
15:00 CET
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Virtual meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Telenor ASA 2021 will be held on Thursday 27 May 2021 at 15:00 (CEST). Notice of the General Meeting will be sent in writing to all shareholders with known address no later than 3 weeks before the date of the General Meeting and will be made available with accompanying documents here.

A shareholder has the right to have items included in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting, provided that each such item is forwarded in writing to the Board of Directors, together with a draft resolution or a justification as to why the item should be included in the Agenda. Any proposal for items for the Agenda must be received by the Board no later than on 29 April 2021. Proposals may be sent to Telenor ASA att. Investor Relations by email.

If you have questions about the General Meeting, please contact Investor Relations by email.

In accordance with Norwegian temporary legislation exempting companies from physical meeting requirements to reduce Covid-19 risk, the General Meeting will be held as a digital meeting only, with no physical attendance for shareholders.

Online Guide for virtual participation at Telenor ASAs Annual Meeting 27 May 2021

627 KB PDF

Log on to watch, participate and vote

Watch web cast as a guest

Online advance voting and proxy form

Post-meeting documents

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association were last amended on 7 May 2024.

Read the Telenor Articles of Association