Employee Share Program announcements.

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

8 March 2024

As announced in the stock exchange release on 29 February 2024, Telenor entered into an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2024.

DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for up to NOK 70,431,808 between 04 and 08 March 2024.

The share purchase has now been executed.

Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK)

04 March 2024 / 120,000 / 115.59 / 13,870,932.60
05 March 2024 / 120,000 / 115.33 / 13,839,853.32
06 March 2024 / 120,000 / 115.05 / 13,806,471.20
07 March 2024 / 120,000 / 114.13 / 13,696,796.15
08 March 2024 / 134.203 / 113.39 / 15,217,693.53

Total / 614,203 / 114.67 / 70,431,746.80

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

19 January 2023

As announced in the stock exchange release on 23 December 2022, Telenor entered into an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2023.

DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for up to NOK 80 million between 16 and 20 January 2023.

The share purchase has now been executed.

Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK)

16 January 2023 / 193,991 / 103.27 / 20,032,752
17 January 2023 / 194,009 / 103.79 / 20,136,796
18 January 2023 / 194,000 / 103.05 / 19,992,371
19 January 2023 / 190,769 / 103.99 / 19,838,011

Total / 772,769 / 103.52 / 79,999,930

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

17 November 2022

As announced in the stock exchange release on 16 May 2022, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2022. In the third tranche, DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for up to NOK 8.8 million between 14 and 18 November 2022.

The third tranche of the share purchase has now been executed.

Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK)

16 November 2022 / 87,486 / 97.08 / 8,493,395

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

16 August 2022

As announced in the stock exchange release on 16 May 2022, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2022. In the second tranche, DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for up to NOK 8.8 million between 15 and 19 August 2022.

The second tranche of the share purchase has now been executed.

Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK)
15 August 2022 / 76,433 / 113.52 / 8,676,300

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

20 May 2022

As announced in the stock exchange release on 16 May 2022, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2022 for management and employees in Telenor Group. In the first tranche, DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for NOK 38.4 million between 18 and 24 May 2022.

The first tranche of the share purchase has now been executed.

Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK)
- 18 May 2022 / 152,000 / 126.19 / 19,181,583
- 19 May 2022 / 153,631 / 125.26 / 19,244,435
- Total / 305,631 / 125.73 / 38,426,018

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

1 March 2022

As announced in the stock exchange release on 22 February 2022, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2022. DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for NOK 44.6 million between 1 and 7 March 2022. The share purchase has now been executed in full. Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK) 1 March 2022 / 338,977 / 131.60 / 44,608,729

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

16 November 2021

As announced in the stock exchange release on 11 August 2021, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2021 for management and employees in Telenor Group. In the second tranche, DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for NOK 9.4 million between 15 and 17 November 2021. The second tranche of the share purchase has now been executed. As a result, the 2021 purchases for the company’s share programmes has been concluded. Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK) - 15 November 2021 / 66,500 / 136.71 / 9,091,368 - Total / 66,500 / 136.71 / 9,091,368 After allocation of shares to employees, Telenor ASA will be in possession of 263 own shares.

Buyback of shares related to employee share programmes completed

18 August 2021

As announced in the stock exchange release on 11 August 2021, Telenor has entered an agreement with DNB ASA to conduct buyback of Telenor shares to be used in the company’s share programmes in 2021 for management and employees in Telenor Group. In the first tranche, DNB ASA was mandated to acquire shares for NOK 48.9 million from 16 to 18 August 2021. The first tranche of the share purchase has now been concluded. Date / aggregated daily volume (number of shares) / VWAP (NOK) / Transaction value (NOK) 16 August 2021 / 103,416 / 157.51 / 16,289,096 17 August 2021 / 103,416 / 157.70 / 16,308,848 18 August 2021 / 102,551 / 158.87 / 16,292,072 Total / 309,383 / 158.02 / 48,890,016 An overview of trades relating to the share purchase is attached. Telenor ASA did not own any own shares prior to this transaction.