Meet Telenor employees who are investing in themselves and their future through education.
Words like transformation, change and digitalization loom large in corporations today. In this digital era, companies are busy figuring out how to catch up, embrace the change, mitigate the risks and take advantage of the digital opportunities. But no significant change or growth can be achieved without a key ingredient: the people who make it happen.
“When employees can transform themselves, tapping into new skillsets and experiencing personal growth, that’s when the company can truly transform. You invest in people not only for the skills they can do today, but also for the possibility of what they will achieve tomorrow,” says Telenor Chief People Officer Cecilie Heuch.
Telenor takes a different view on career development, increasing the company’s focus on the idea of life-long learning
“The idea of climbing the corporate ladder is increasingly archaic. There is no single ladder anymore. Careers can go in multiple directions, giving employees opportunities to not only go up or down, but to hop sideways on a completely different ‘ladder’ if they so choose,” adds Cecilie.
In order to prove to employees that this idea of life-long learning was more than just words, Telenor introduced a 40 hour challenge to its global employee base at the start of 2018. This means that approximately 22,000 employees in Telenor markets across Asia and Scandinavia are currently striving to complete at least 40 hours of training and education within the year. The aim? To start readying the workforce for a bright digital future.
Telenor hosts a digital learning portal, called Telenor Campus, to facilitate learning throughout the company. In this portal, you can find courses from renowned providers such as Lynda and Coursera, as well as courses from leading universities, plus some of Telenor’s own.
Telenor employees are embracing the 40 hour challenge
“People are curious and have a strong desire to stay relevant amidst change. Learning has become our new normal in Telenor,” says Cecilie. Here are a few of the Telenor employees who are challenging themselves to explore new areas and new types of careers through the 40 hour challenge.

Meet Madiha Sundas Rana
Madiha is a Process Design and Improvement Specialist in Telenor Pakistan. So far, she has completed around 25 hours of learning.
“I’m completing courses on the path to becoming an advanced user researcher and another one on leadership.”

Meet Md. Mahfujur Rahman
Mahfujur is a Principal Engineer in Grameenphone. He has recently completed his first course in Coursera.
“I’ve taken the Agile Software Development Specialization Programme, It has enabled me with the skillset of design thinking and agile software development approach.”

Meet Siti Suhaila
Siti is an Associate in Customer Service for Digi, in Malaysia. She graduated with a Udacity nanodegree in Data Analytics.
“The journey is challenging, but the skills I’ve gained are rewarding. Next I’m going to be taking a refresher course in calculus and linear algebra to kick-start my next journey into machine learning.”

Meet Lars Adolfsson
Lars is a Data Scientist for Telenor Sweden. He completed the machine learning nanodegree.
“I took the machine learning nanodegree and it not only increased my understanding and execution in machine learning/artificial intelligence, but it also allowed me to get in contact with many data scientist colleagues throughout Telenor.”