New Nordic Digital Security report from Telenor urges preparedness as European cybersecurity directive takes effect

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With today marking the official enforcement of the EU’s NIS2 Directive, Telenor’s new report, Nordic Digital Security 2024, stresses the urgency for enhanced Nordic collaboration and preparedness as cyber threats continue to escalate.

The NIS2 Directive aims to enhance cybersecurity across the EU by strengthening security requirements, addressing supply chain security, and introducing harmonised sanctions. It marks a significant shift in the protection of critical infrastructure and important organisations, imposing stricter requirements and mandatory incident reporting across a broad range of industries, to ensure greater cyber resilience across Europe.

Jon Omund Revhaug, acting EVP and Head of Telenor Nordics stresses the need for investing in strengthened resilience to address new threats and meet the stringent cybersecurity requirements imposed by the new European directive:

“The cyber threat picture we face today is unprecedented, with attacks by state and non-state actors becoming more sophisticated and widespread. The implementation of NIS2 is timely, especially as AI fuels new attack methods and the cybercrime economy continues to grow. We are seeing evolving ransomware threats, more sophisticated phishing attacks, and greater threats to cloud infrastructure. Being prepared is crucial. The implementation of NIS2 makes this the ideal moment to take decisive steps towards strengthening security and resilience within both the private and public sectors.”

Amid these heightened threats, Telenor’s Nordic Digital Security 2024 report offers a comprehensive view of the current security landscape. It not only sheds light on the impact of the NIS2 Directive but also presents an overview of the current Nordic threat picture and explores emerging cybercrime methods as well as the growing role of AI in digital threats. The report underscores why businesses across critical sectors, such as energy, transport, digital infrastructure, and health, must act now to improve their security posture and remain compliant with evolving regulations.

“The insights in our report, sourced from Telenor security experts and trusted external sources, aim to support organisations looking to navigating the complexities of the threat environment, as well as the regulatory demands of NIS2. This report also marks the first time we’re sharing a fully Nordic

threat picture, and the timing couldn’t be more appropriate. Now is the time to step up cyber-security collaboration across the Nordic borders and sectors to ensure that our region is well-prepared,” adds Revhaug.

A Nordic call to action

The Nordic Digital Security 2024 report issues a clear call to action for Nordic governments and public authorities, underling that ‘there is ‘no time to waste’. Telenor’s recommendations are to:

  • Establish a Nordic regime for security clearance and authorisation

  • Operationalise national autonomy requirements and allow for cross border co-operation where appropriate

  • Enhance information sharing across the region

  • Integrate long-term preparedness in public procurement

Explore the full Telenor Nordic Digital Security Report

Dive into the report to get in-depth analysis of the implications of the new European cybersecurity guidelines, the latest threats to the Nordic region, and the steps businesses and governments need to take to safeguard critical infrastructure.