Telenor introduces fixed rates for mobile data services and reduces mobile voice rates in the business market

Press release
5 minute read
: Effective from 1 November, Telenor introduces fixed and maximum rates for mobile data services based on GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and WLAN. Customers with Telenor's Business subscription plans will also see a NOK 0,10 per minute reduction in their mobile rates. For Telenor's business customers this involves a 15 per cent price reduction, which amounts to a total annual cost reduction of approximately NOK 100 million.

"This reduction in rates will make the Business subscription plan even more favourable for our customers. The rate will now be fixed, regardless of whether calls are placed to fixed-line or mobile phones," said Division Director Stein-Erik Vellan, head of Telenor's operations in the Norwegian business market.

In addition to reduced voice rates, Telenor also introduces fixed rates and maximum rates for mobile data traffic in the business market. The new rates apply for packaged data, where customers are charged for the amounts of data transferred through the networks, rather than traffic minutes.

"With the new mobile networks EDGE and UMTS, people who want to stay mobile will find that it is far easier to read their e-mails or go online when at they are at work. The higher speeds allow for larger amounts of data, and as a consequence our also customers want to see predictable rates. This is now secured through maximum or fixed rates," said Stein-Erik Vellan.

For customers with limited traffic volumes, Telenor also offers a scaleable solution. The first 50 Megabytes (MB) will be charged at a rate of NOK 10 per MB. For volumes exceeding 50 MB, the rate will now be reduced from the previous NOK 8 per MB, to NOK 1 per MB. Telenor is also introducing a rate ceiling, to ensure that the maximum monthly rate does not exceed NOK 1,100. The rates are only applicable in Norway, and will be fixed for all Telenor Business subscription plans (Bedrift, Bedrift basis and Bare Data).

For business customers who want mobility at work at a predictable cost, Telenor offers a fixed monthly rate, The Fixed Rate Data service ensures that customers will never be charged more than NOK 469 per month for going online at work, surfing the Internet and reading e-mail.

The monthly rate includes all forms of mobile packaged data in Norway, i.e. GPRS/EDGE and UMTS. 3G handsets and "Mobile Office" PC cards ensure wireless and mobile solutions with speeds that are 5-6 times higher than ISDN. As the only supplier in Norway, Telenor also includes free use of Wireless Zone (WLAN) for all fixed rate customers. WLAN zones are found at more than 200 hotels and 200 Statoil service stations around the country.

Fixed Rate Data will benefit customers who transfer more than 50 MB per month, and who use both the mobile network and Wireless Zone for transferring data.

Fixed Rate Data is an additional service to Telenor Mobil's Business subscription plan (Bedrift, Bedrift basis and Bare Data). It only applies in Norway. Separate rates will apply for international calls. No discounts are offered with Fixed Rate Data.

The new mobile products may be ordered from Mine Sider (, at Customer Services 09000, and at all Telenor sales outlets.