Visits to our website are tracked in order to make certain that we serve our visitors in the best possible way and to improve our services further.

This privacy notice provides information about which personal data is processed when you are visiting

  • For information about how personal data is processed in a Telenor company, please access the privacy statement of the respective company.

  • For more information about how Telenor governs privacy as part of our Responsible Business approach, please click here

When do we process your personal data

Cookies and IP-addresses

When you visit any website, you leave electronic trace information such as an IP address and a domain name. We use this kind of information to better understand and interpret the traffic patterns on and subsequently to improve the standards of our site to better serve our visitors.

Non-necessary cookies are turned off on and some content may therefore not be visible if you have not enabled the use of cookies on this site. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the hard disk by a web page server. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Our cookies do not contain information that can identify individuals, and the last digits in the IP address are removed to anonymise users.

Non-necessary cookies are turned off on and some content may therefore not be visible if you have not enabled the use of cookies on this site. Please click here for more information about the cookies.


You can also sign up for our newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide corporate communications via email about the Telenor Group, such as financial results, changes in management, significant events, and any other corporate information of interest, and for Telenor to learn about the usage of these newsletters. We will not use the information for any other purpose.

Concretely, we will process your e-mail, IP address and other technical device data such as cookies and device information. We will also be processing the open-and-click rates of newsletters sent. We utilize the vendor Notified to administer our newsletter service, and they are acting on our behalf as data processors, according to applicable law.

We will process your information as long as your subscription is active, and up to 1 month after you end your subscription for technical reasons. You may unsubscribe at any time:
News releases
Financial news

Purposes of processing

At we are using your personal data for the following purposes:

- Web analytics to improve our services and products

- Managing the corporate newsletter

- Website security and operations

Legal basis for processing

The processing on our website is based on the following legal basis:

- Consent: when signing up for a newsletter

- Consenting to our cookie waiver about anonymous data analytics for the purpose of better understanding how visitors are interacting with our website

Principles for processing

We process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws

We ensure the compliance with the following data protection principles:

- All processing of personal data shall be lawful, fair and transparent.

- Personal data shall only be collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and shall not be processed in a manner incompatible with the original intent.

- The personal data shall be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they are processed.

- The personal data must be correct and, where necessary, up to date.

- The personal data shall not be processed for longer than necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

- Personal data shall be processed in a way that ensures adequate security.

With whom do we share your personal data

To fulfill the purposes of the processing, we engage the following third parties:

- Telenor Norge AS for the purposes of website security and operations

- Notified to administer our newsletter service

- Our web analytics vendor, Adobe Analytics, processes IP addresses before deletion to allow geo-locating on municipally and city level. This allows us to filter our anonymous web visitors by municipally and city in Adobe Analytics, but not more granular than that. IP addresses are not visible to Telenor because they are automatically removed after processing.

Your rights

You have the following rights when we are processing your data:

- Right to information

- Right to access personal data

- Right to rectification of personal data

- Right to erasure of personal data

- Right to restriction of processing of personal data

- Right to object to the processing of personal data

- Right to data portability

- Right to withdraw your consent if our processing is based on this

Note that these rights may be limited, depending on the concrete circumstances, as legally mandated.

If you which to exercise any of these rights, you may send a mail to or you may also lodge a complaint about our processing of information about you to your local Data Protection Supervisory Authority.

International transfers

- When we process your personal data, we do not transfer it to the third countries located outside the European Economic Area.

- Adobe Analytics is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that leverages cloud hosting. They use Adobe-owned servers in Data Processing Center (DPC) in London for processing and storage.

Security of your data

We are committed to the security of your data, and have therefore implemented appropriate technical and organisational security measures:

- Adobe Analytics is following security-by-design principles to maintain a secure architecture by default.

- We are using Telenor Single Sign-On (SSO) user authentication to access Adobe Analytics, as a security measure.

- Telenor IT admins are governing roles, permissions, and entitlements within Adobe Analytics.

Updates to this Statement

Minor changes to this privacy notice that do not impact the essence of information already provided, will be made without prior or further notification. Material changes to this privacy notice will be communicated in due time prior to implementation, using suitable and available channels, such as this website and/or newsletters.

This Privacy Statement was last updated on 03.02.2022.

Contact details:

If you have any question or comments about how we are processing your personal data, please contact us here.

Please note: You may use the contact information above for privacy related enquiries only. All other enquiries will be ignored.

For other enquiries, please see contact us.