Why ICT? Four experts on why young women should choose a career in ICT

Studies and stats show that ICT remains a male-dominated industry, but the winds of change are blowing. We asked but five experts why they think ICT is be the perfect profession for any young woman considering her career.

Sofia Stenhagen Tropé, IoT Project Director, Telenor Group

‘Technology is already a vital part of products, services, professions and society, and it’s only going to be even more important in the future. If you want to have a role in developing the future, a background in technology is an excellent place to start, and that’s the case whether you motivation is sustainability/the climate, or a drive to create.

I think it’s really critical for young people, maybe especially young women, to know this: technology is not just for engineers. It’s a fascinating and evermore essential and informative background all the way across professions such as health, economics, production, philology or philosophy.’

Shaila Rahman, Head of Technology Transformation, Grameenphone

‘Technology continues to redefine and revolutionize the way we all live and work, and I think especially the opportunities for creativity, innovation and entirely new ways of working are appealing reasons for why people should consider a career in ICT. Also, it’s booming sector and keeps on growing as a field for employment.

For young women and girls especially, the ICT sector offers vast potential, from creating decent jobs to uplifting socio-economic status. I believe it is of particular importance to get more women into ICT since the role models of women who actively participate in the socio-economic development are increasing self-esteem and self-confidence of other women and therefore encouraging them to push for changes in their own social status.’

Sofia Stenhagen Tropé, Shaila Rahman, Nora Lindström, Caroline Htay
Sofia Stenhagen Tropé, Shaila Rahman, Nora Lindström, Caroline Htay

Nora Lindström, Global Lead for Digital Development Plan International

‘As the technology sector continues to grow, an ever greater number of well paid, stimulating and impactful roles are opening up. However, women are under-represented in roles within tech. In cloud computing, just 12% of professionals are women. Similarly, in engineering and Data and AI, the numbers are 15% and 26% respectively (The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020). By choosing a career in ICT, young women will not only gain access to attractive roles, but also take their rightful place in shaping the future.

As societies become increasingly digitalised, technology plays an ever bigger role in driving societal shifts. Young women choosing a career in ICT will be able to influence change and ensure what’s being developed reflects the interests and challenges faced by girls and women, half of the world’s population.’

Caroline Htay, Chief Business Officer, Telenor Myanmar

‘Firstly, ICT is about the most exciting industry out there thanks to just how dynamic and fast-moving it is. Think about it: ICT impacts almost every part of our lives (especially in critical periods such as those we’re living through now). Today especially, ICT plays a pivotal role in how people work, talk and learn. Almost daily, I see exciting new types of jobs within ICT popping up that didn’t exist yesterday

In Myanmar, ICT is still in its infancy and more than 90% of the senior leaders here are male. The same goes for many of the senior leaders.  But Myanmar knows how to move fast and change fast. Just look how we leapfrogged in our mobile use from zero to 4G in just 1,000 days. I think it’s time for the same leapfrogging in the ICT sector where more and more women are take their place at the cutting edge of the country’s tech development. Now who wouldn’t want to be part of that?’