Top 10 tips for kids and teens

How to stay smart and safe on the internet.
Think before posting
Put yourself in the other person’s shoes before sharing something that is potentially hurtful.
Get permission
Ask permission before posting pictures, video or other information of other people.
Protect those passwords
Don’t share your passwords, not even with your best friend.
Stay private
Don’t give out your personal information online. Protect yourself and consider using an alias.
Take precautions
If you agree to meet up with a friend you’ve only met online, make sure to bring another friend or adult along and meet in a public place.
Stand up
Don’t be a bystander to bullying. If you see it, try to stop it.
Keep your cool
If you are the victim of bullying, don’t react. The bully wants to get a reaction out of you, so the best thing you can do is not respond.
Actively block
Check out your privacy settings. You can choose who gets to see what content and information about you. And don’t be afraid to block people if they’re bullying you.
Tell someone
If you are being bullied online, save the messages and show them to a trusted adult.
Get help
Don’t suffer alone if you are being bullied. Find a friend or trusted adult, or call a helpline where you’ll find experts who are trained to support you.